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Walk A Day His Shoes And Find They’re Laced With Irony

7 years ago

1176 words

  “…All things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” (New King James Bible, Romans 8:28). The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division, has a digital archive in which you will find a photograph of Olaudah…

Slaves Marriages and Eboe Customs

7 years ago

632 words

Latoya Middleton Professor Kappes English 302 26 March 2018        During the 18th century the cultures and belief were sacred. Equiano describes his african customs relating with clothing, food and religious practices. Olaudah Equiano’ The Interesting Narrative” emphasizes beliefs and cultures expressing his customs in weddings ceremonies. Equiano custom in wedding ceremony correlates to the…

The Struggle of Slavery

7 years ago

836 words

Evangelina de la Rosa Professor Gabriela Kappes English 302 March 25, 2018 The Struggle of Slavery Have you ever wonder, if European colonist viewed slaves during the trans-Atlantic slave trade as symbols of admiration and strength? Through reading the text Oroonoko: Or, The Royal Slave by Aphra Behn and analyzing the digital archival object “Une…

The Exploitative Behavior of Men in Literature and Reality

7 years ago

579 words

Picture this: An African American woman hung by one leg, half naked and exposed to everyone on the deck of the ship, as the men taunted and whipped her. She did not want to be stripped of her modesty but as punishment for refusing to do so, they exposed and whipped her regardless. The woman…

The History of the Royal Slave

7 years ago

633 words

How happy does the family in the illustration above look? Carryng food, children smiling, and seem to be enjoy life. During the 18th century, slavery was the reason blacks were treated as horribly was they were.  Through reading the text Oroonoko: Or, The Royal Slave by Mrs. Aphra Behn and analyzing the digital archive named…

Shopping List Line Item: The Value of a Transatlantic Slave

7 years ago

1175 words

Furniture. Groceries. Tools. Clothes. All line items on a person’s shopping lists; things to be bought from various vendors. They are inanimate objects of possession and at times status symbols. In today’s Western paradigm, these items have nothing common with people. The idea of a person being grouped together with any of the item listed…

Slavery and The Push for Freedom

7 years ago

813 words

Slavery and The Push for Freedom   ENG 302 – Prof. Kappes/Lehman College                                                    March 26, 2018 Sibyl Randolph   Slavery and The Push for Freedom   Residing in “the belly of the beast” means to live in the heart of a dangerous place or to be locked-up in an institutionalized system.  That is what…

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